Philippe G. Moreau

Photographer, artistic director, painter, musician and novelist, Philippe G. Moreau is an artist with many desires. With an insatiable curiosity, he pursues and realizes his passions without restraint. Enthusiastic and overflowing with energy, he devotes his life to encounters, new ideas and artistic projects of all kinds.

MINUTE Papillon, Artbook

Filled with photographs, stories and paintings by Philippe G. Moreau, this book leads the reader through the very singular labyrinth of the author's life. A journey through fashion, women, the cliffs of Etretat, the sculptures of Giacometti and Morgan convertibles under the air of Rock n'roll. A MINUTE PAPILLON creation and edition.

On sale in our website

La voleuse de tourments, Novel

Being born somewhere is always a coincidence. For the young Irving Fairbanks, being born in Boston was the result of a chance that seemed to have, on the surface, done things well. A loving family, friends, a beautiful fiancée, a comfortable situation and a career in the tea business. Nothing seems to taint his quiet existence. However, the Vietnam War invites itself to the table and darkens this perfect picture. Random events that will lead him to Asian countries, his destiny will be very different from what he had planned.

On sale in our shop and online


Acrylique sur toile, 65x86 cm.
Encadrement caisse américaine.
P.G. Moreau & J-L Ducarn

Huile sur toile, 50x100 cm.
Encadrement caisse américaine.
P.G. Moreau & J-L Ducarn

Huile sur toile, 50x100 cm.
Encadrement caisse américaine.
P.G. Moreau & J-L Ducarn

Les lunettes noires

Huile sur toile, 50x100 cm.
Encadrement caisse américaine
P.G. Moreau & J-L Ducarn

A Morgan car in a Car Park

Huile sur toile, 50x100 cm.
Encadrement caisse américaine
P.G. Moreau & J-L Ducarn


Acrylique sur toile, collage et dorure (par Léa Buffet)100x100 cm.
Encadrement caisse américaine
P.G. Moreau & J-L Ducarn

Give Peace a Chance

Acrylique sur photo, 50x100 cm.
Encadrement caisse américaine
P.G. Moreau & J-L Ducarn

Le ramoneur

Huile sur toile, 50x100 cm.
Encadrement caisse américaine
P.G. Moreau & J-L Ducarn

Mountain High

P.G. Moreau
Graphisme Owenna Cabannes

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